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Thursday, January 16, 2020



The table is a combination or a series of several wood that has been measured according to the needs usually 4-legged with rectangular-shaped boards or as desired. Conventional tables are usually made of wood so it is heavy and difficult to move, especially now the wooden table is quite high price considering the increasingly thinning raw materials of wood. Well, if the portable folding table is a type of table that is easy to carry anywhere - because of the shape and how to use it simple. Because portable itself means easy to carry or easy to carry. Portable table is very suitable for selling nowadays, does not require a large place to look modern and certainly able to support competition in the market.

            Portable folding tables are usually made of plywood and aluminum arranged in such a way according to the buyer's size and design. This type of table is usually used by sellers in malls, bazaars, department stores, care shops, indomart, Alfamart, and is also widely used on the side of the road because the shape of the portable folding table is very attractive so that day after day many people use it.

            The problem of durability of portable folding tables has a fairly long life, it can be 3 years depending on usage and location of selling, if selling in areas that tend to be watery or too humid may be slightly reduced but have been helped by MMT that can minimize water entering the plywood base material .

            What business is suitable to use a portable folding table ????

1. Iced Tea Stand

2. Selling Tempura

3. Selling Bakso Bakar / Goring

4. Selling Chicken Sempol

5. Selling Fried Potatoes

6. Selling Crispy Tofu

7. Selling Egg Rolls

And there are many more businesses that are very suitable to use portable folding tables. This type of table is still relatively new in the community because generally people if selling yes using a wheelbarrow or large table, with the presence of a portable folding table is expected that the wider community can do business with a minimum capital.

If you are interested in a portable folding table can contact


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